Ducks and chickens at dove farm
We have a motley crew of ducks and chickens, at dove farm. There are all kinds of breeds, in all shapes and sizes, and they are free- range, in the truest sense of the word. That equates to poultry paradise for them - and not many bedding plants for us. We hope you will excuse that fact, when you come to stay.
Anyone who keeps chickens, will know that they really do have their own personalities and behaviours. Just like people, some are more sociable than others, some make more noise, and they all have their favourite places to hang out.
The silkies, are busy, friendly little birds – with fronded feathers, giving a fluffy look. The striking black and white birds, are Light Sussex, a traditional, good natured hen, and the huge ginger-brown chooks strutting about, are Buff Orpingtons. They are the gentle giants of the poultry world.
At dove farm, we keep hens out of interest, and to showcase some of the different breeds to our guests. For that reason, we do not have a steady supply of eggs all year round. Some of our birds can be a bit sporadic with their laying habits.
For prolific layers, best stick to mixed breed hens, or hybrids – they are easy going, vigorous chickens and they give a lot back.
There is nothing subtle about ducks. They like to make their presence felt. They are extremely messy, often noisy, and very greedy. Added to that , they are pleasant natured, sociable and endearing – which is why they make such lovely farm pets.
They lay excellent, waxy rich eggs - a bit too strong in flavour, for those of us, who are used to the taste of hen eggs, but duck eggs are the best thing for home-baking.
We are fortunate at dove farm, to have a number of natural watercourses, close by. It really is a rural idyll for ducks, and they thrive, as long as they come home at night, or can outwit the fox. The one thing that ducks and chickens have in common, is that they love to be fed. They love to meet and greet our guests, in the hope of some brown bread, or left overs; pasta, cooked veg and potatoes are usually suitable.
A good starting point for anyone thinking of keeping chickens or ducks, is and